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Black and White Scanner app review: produce stunning high-quality black and white scans in seconds



This is certainly one of the premier document scanning apps in the App Store, enabling you to reproduce black and white documents in a variety of resolutions while also offering tools for cropping and adjusting various aspects of your document. When you're finished, you can forward it to others via email or through other productivity apps.

As soon as I started up this app for the first time I could see how effective it was going to be at scanning in black and white. Upon scanning a few pages I was easily able to crop them and adjust the page size, and the quality really does allow for a far more professional reproduction of documents than many other similar apps.

Black and White Scanner


Professional Quality Scanning

Far from being just another two-bit scanner app, Black and White Scanner is one of, if not the highest, quality document scanner apps I’ve ever used on iOS. The range of editing and sharing features on offer cast this app even further into a league of its own.

There are helpful on-screen prompts which pop up from time to time when you first access a feature, and these are very useful for not just learning each function but also making sure you get the most out of the app as a whole.

Once you’ve scanned your document and cropped it accordingly, you can select from a list of paper sizes, which is ideal for achieving the optimal print quality.

Professional Quality Scanning image

Options and Features

In terms of sharing your documents, you can choose between .pdf and .png as your file formats, select the scan resolution, and then choose to either forward your document via email or open it up in another app.

I selected Evernote as my "other app" choice and as if by magic, it opened up Evernote and the document was right there in crystal clear condition. I’m very impressed with the fluidity of the way the features work and would definitely recommend this app for corporate or other business applications.

Options and Features image

Black and White Scanner


Pros and Cons


  • High-quality black and white scanner for iPad
  • Suitable for professional environments
  • Crop your scans and adjust the paper size for optimal print quality
  • Forward your documents via email or open them in other apps


  • User interface is not the most attractive I’ve seen

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

I’ve noted that the one negative aspect of this app as being that the user interface isn’t very esthetically pleasing. Although that is partly true, I would like to add that for most genres of apps, I would much rather see the visual aspect of the interface be somewhat lacking if it means I’ll have access to top-notch functionality and a smooth-running app overall.

This is exactly the case with Black and White Scanner; with this app you’ll benefit from professional-quality scans at a relatively low cost, and this kind of tool really makes bulky desktop scanners somewhat obsolete.

This is an absolutely fantastic app and I can’t recommend it strongly enough.

Black and White Scanner

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.