Voice Texting Pro is an app which is designed to free you from the burden of having to type out your notes, IM chats, and text messages by enabling you to simply speak into your device’s microphone and have the voice recognition algorithms record your speech in text which you can copy to your clipboard.
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After speaking “App Picker” four or five times and have it presented to me as things such as “apoko,” “App Picco,” and simply “Pika,” I’m going to have to say that I’m very disappointed with this app.
I am English and like to think I’m very well spoken and even when I speak each word very slowly, enunciating each syllable clearly, Voice Texting Pro still fails to produce an accurate body of text.
Voice Vexing Prose?!
I was initially quite excited to try out this app because I’m forever exchanging messages with people on Skype, Facebook, and via email, and given that the interface includes buttons for quickly sharing messages to Facebook and Twitter, I thought I might be on to a winner.
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Unfortunately, each of my several attempts to convert speech to text has produced messages which are either complete gobbledygook or are so riddled with errors it would take me less time to have simply typed out the message in the first place.
Sauce Flexing Throes?!
One positive thing I would like to say about this app is that it does have a wonderfully simple interface which is both streamlined and easy to use.
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There are buttons running along the bottom for sharing your text via Facebook and Twitter, as well as buttons for clearing all text from the screen and recording your next bit of speech. Any text you record is repeated back to you by a computerized voice; however, there is an option in the Settings menu to toggle this off if you so choose.
Finally, Voice Texting Pro is designed to cater to multiple languages, with the option to access more languages via in-app purchase.
Pros and Cons
Convert your speech into text via voice recognition
Post your text directly to Facebook and Twitter from within the app
Simple single-screen interface
Multiple languages available via in-app purchase
Voice-to-text feature seems very inaccurate and inconsistent
Final Words
I would still recommend taking Voice Texting Pro for a test spin because it could just be that it is having trouble recognizing my accent.
Having said that, it’s difficult to believe that this is the case, given that I have a clear southern-English accent and the developer included the following on the iTunes page description: “Voice Texting Pro doesn't need to learn your voice, no training is required. It works straight out of the box. By default, it uses the language appropriate to the settings of your device.”
For me personally, the problems I’ve encountered equate to a deal breaker, so I won’t be using Voice Texting Pro myself.