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One way you can make learning fun is by getting into the spirit of the season with the Math Vs Zombies app meant for kids in Kindergarten to Grade Five. In this game you'll be able to use math skills as your weapon, forcing kids to sharpen up on their knowledge.
The best iPhone apps for Halloween
Sometimes it starts to feel like all the kids' education apps are pretty much the same, just with different characters and music. This app manages to completely separate itself from the rest of the pack by using math as a weapon to fight the evil creatures. Kids will completely forget that they are actually solving math problems because they will be so focused on the zombies coming at them.
The best iPhone and iPad apps for trick or treatingNow let’s not make this into something it’s not. When I say “zombies” I mean a very kid-friendly and cute version of them. They even make funny sounds to help entertain the kids and hilarious faces when you beat them with your math skills.
The way the game works is that the zombies are walking towards you and above each one's head is a thought bubble with a math problem. You need to choose the right answer by tapping on the number and then it will then shoot the zombie and destroy it, as long as you got the answer right! They will start coming faster and faster so kids are forced to solve the problems much faster as well.
What’s great is that there are a variety of levels and you can choose your difficulty level: easy, medium, and hard. This allows kids to set the appropriate challenge level for their age and skills. As well it gives it lasting interest because as they get better and faster at math they can move to the next level of difficulty.
The best iPad apps for Halloween
In total there are four worlds with 28 levels to work through. Kids will use addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication skills to make sure that they work on all areas of basic math.
Gameplay is challenging but fun. It’s actually a very addictive game because as the zombies start coming at you faster you’ll get that much more invested in it. There is a status bar across the top of the screen so you know how much time you have left in the level.
I know that the Math Vs Zombies app is designed for kids but I seem to be the one who can’t put this one down. Everything about it feels cute, fun, and perfect for this time of year. It’s even great to play with your child so you can work on the math skills with them.