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A User-Friendly Website Will Place Your Company on Top

27 Jan 2020 Developer News
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In today's world, as the internet becomes the focus of almost every industry, we begin to see as more and more companies make it or break it online. It's becoming ever more true that a bad website can kill your company. Nearly 60% of consumers state that they would not recommend a company to someone if their website is poorly designed. This has become even more apparent as mobile websites become the norm. If your web page doesn't operate properly on a mobile device, you're likely to lose customer traffic. This is why focusing on the user experience of your website should be your number one focus during the design process. This is where the customers will decide whether or not they like your site and would be willing to recommend you to people they know. Perfecting your user experience has become a necessity for any successful business and website. How do you ensure that your website's user experience is as great as it can be? Online there are companies that offer to test your website to see how well it reaches industry standards for consumer satisfaction. If your user experience score is low, you will need someone to perform a UX audit on your website. Performing a UX audit on your page could be what you need to launch your company to the top of your industry - a better website means more customers.


What is a UX audit?

This is the process of testing out how well your website operates in terms of user satisfaction. Your site will be assessed on basic design and functionality - the worse off it is, the more recommendations for fixes you will receive. On a cosmetic level, an audit will tell you what changes need to be made for the layout of your page. If a header is off-center or unaligned with other text, it may be recommended that you shift the orientations. For functionality, an audit will alert you to when an action doesn't bring out the desired response. This could be if a button doesn't do anything, or a text box doesn't allow you to type anything. A UX audit will alert you to these errors and recommend changes that should improve the user experience of your web page.


Benefits of auditing your website

  • Higher traffic - The better configured your website, the more likely people will be to search for it and want to navigate the page. If your website is well organized and user-friendly, it will receive a higher traffic flow.
  • Better first impression - First impressions mean everything in the business world, and this can be said for your websites. If someone deems your website poorly designed with low functionality, they are unlikely to use your services.
  • Conversion rates - The better designed your website, the more likely someone is to subscribe to you - or hire you if the subscription is not the main goal of your website. Conversion rates are the ratio of visitors to subscriptions or hirings.


Improve the user experience of your website, and you’re likely to see a major increase in business. Start today with a UX audit.

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