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PowerSchool for Students app review: allows students to track their progress



When I was in school I would have to wait until the night of parent-teacher interviews, or the day my report card came to see my progress, but with the PowerSchool for Students app you students can now check in on a daily basis to see your own or your kid's in-class performance.

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Whether it's your attendance, Geography mark, an upcoming quiz, or the date of your final exam, you can check it all here. All the information is provided by your teachers, so you know the information is up-to-date and accurate.

PowerSchool for Students


School Days

Now before I begin this review I need to say that to use the PowerSchool for Students app your school district has to be using the PowerSchool program. You can find this out by contacting your child's school or your school district office. In our area only the Catholic School Board is using it; luckily my friend's daughter is using this app and she allowed me to try it out on her iPhone so I could review it.

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I will state all the included screen shots here were not taken from her phone, as the daughter is a minor so I wanted to protect her and her information from becoming public. That being said, on with the review.

When you first launch PowerSchool it will automatically search for the districts using the program. If your district appears, click on it and input the username and password you've been provided by your school. If the district doesn't appear you can search districts via Zip Code.

The PowerSchool interface is extremely impressive and easy to use. Upon logging in you are presented with a list-like calendar which shows all your courses, the times each period starts and ends, and the dates and times of upcoming tests and quizzes for every program you are enrolled in. Once the test is completed you can view your results, which even includes personal notes from your teachers on areas of improvement.


School Isn't All About Marks

PowerSchool for Students doesn't stop with information on your course load. It also provides the user with upcoming school events, your attendance for each subject, your grade point average, and even where you rank in comparison to the other students your age in the Standards Testing.

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You can even load cash into PowerSchool for use at the school's cafeteria, or for any upcoming fees the school wishes you to pay. All of the purchases are tracked and listed, right down to whether or not the student bought an apple or candy bar at lunch time. The developer missed nothing in creating this app.

There is also a PowerSchool for Parents app, which provides all the same information for parents to track their child's progress, which provides an invaluable way for parents to help their kids with their homework.


PowerSchool for Students


Pros and Cons


  • The students entire schedule for the year is easy to access
  • You have insight to where you are struggling in class
  • Teachers can provide private encouragement and thoughts on how to perform better
  • Students can track their progress and attendance
  • Money can be loaded into the app for lunch and student fees



  • Your school district needs to be using PowerSchool to utilize the app


Final Thoughts

PowerSchool for Students is a great app! I feel every school district should utilize the benefits of this software, as it provides open communication between students, teachers, and parents. If your district isn't using it already suggest it to them, and if they are utilizing the PowerSchool program you and your child should download the apps immediately.


PowerSchool for Students

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Matthew MacCallum

Matthew MacCallum is an award winning filmmaker, screenwriter, actor, and comedian. He is a lifelong Apple products user and has vowed never to seek help for his App addiction.