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If you're a student and find you're constantly juggling and trying to stay on top of your assignments and homework, then The Homework App may be what you need. The homework help app is meant to remind you of homework assignments so nothing slips by.
The best iPhone apps for keeping organizedHomework can be organized on the calendar and there are plenty of customization options that make this app work for you. You will be able to add assignments, view them, and complete them all due to this reliable app for homework.
Never forget your homework with The Homework App. Add subtasks, a convenient way to organize projects and tasks that have multiple steps via this app for helping with homework. Check out our best homework help apps list for more great selections.
When you download this app you can expect that planning your homework will suddenly become a lot easier, more organized, and even a little fun. Who says homework has to be so dull anyway?
The best iPad apps for creating listsYou will be able to do things like color code all your subjects so you can quickly find what you're looking for, get a quick glance of assignments coming up with your dashboard, and view your Calendar in a few different modes (yearly, monthly, or daily).
Of course one of the handiest features is the reminder that you can set on individual assignments so you don't end up handing in something late and taking a hit on your mark.
What’s great about using this app is that you have it with you at all times so no matter where you may be or what you may be doing you can quickly take a look at your calendar, reminders, and assignments you’ve entered.
As far as using the app goes I’m mixed on my thoughts. The app does take a bit of setting up as you enter in all your subjects that first time and give them a color coding. After this is done entering your assignments will be quick and easy. I guess there’s no way around set-up.
Best iphone and ipad appsEach task you set allows you to set a due date, reminder date, notes, and more. Keep in mind that some of the features in this app aren’t available in the free version. For instance, if you want to set the sub-tasks completion percentage, that is only available in the pro version.
I do like that as soon as you enter the app your main screen shows a clear picture of what’s coming up. There is no scrolling needed; it’s right there on the screen. This means you can quickly view this information and get on with your day.
Add your instructor's details so you can stay in the loop with the app for homework. Pictures say 1000 words​, take a photo and attach it to your task via app for helping with homework.
The Homework App can certainly help you with staying organized and meeting all your deadlines. I think if you’re the type that doesn’t like the old fashioned pen and paper student organizer this is an excellent option.