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NCSBN Learning Extension Medication Flashcards app review: discover a simpler way to master drug information as part of your NCLEX review



If you’re currently in the process of preparing for NCLEX then it’s time you discovered a simpler way of mastering drug information as part of your review, and there's no better resource to do this with than this powerful iPad app which contains thousands of drugs all neatly categorized for your convenience.

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There are countless NCLEX study aids within the Medical category of the App Store and although the majority is lost on this humble writer, I must admit that most of them appear to be more or less carbon copies of one another.

This is a pretty standard example of just such a resource, so if you’re looking for a better way of preparing for your NCLEX review, then I would very much recommend taking this app for a spin as I think you’ll find it to be quite useful.

Easily Assimilate the Study Materials

NCSBN Learning Extension Medication Flashcards has been designed to make it very easy for you to manage the content by flagging the things you don’t know and tapping “got it” once you’ve gotten a particular topic under your belt, so to speak.

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Any items you flag will be added to a separate list, so this is a very efficient way of combing the material to find the areas you’re weak in before going back with a fresh mindset and really sinking your teeth into the areas that you are finding to be most challenging.

The search facility is also pretty powerful and very easy to use, enabling you to search either by drug categories or by the names of specific drugs.


Share Your Progress Online

The flashcard content allows you to customize your NCLEX review, and in each category you’ll find common examples of drugs along with a description and details of their prescribed uses. And additional facts and trivia will also be contained here, so this is perfect for filling in any gaps in your knowledge.

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What’s more, you can even share your work with your friends and colleagues online via Facebook, so this is a great way of holding yourself accountable and perhaps bragging once you feel comfortable with an area of the content.


Pros and Cons


  • Discover a simpler way to master drug information as part of your NCLEX review
  • Search by drug categories or type in the names of specific drugs 
  • Flag the things you don’t know and mark them off as “got it” once you’ve learnt them
  • Easily identify drugs that are listed in 2 or more categories
  • Flashcard content allows you to fully customize your NCLEX review
  • Share your work with your friends and colleagues online via Facebook



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Final Words

NCSBN Learning Extension Medication Flashcards definitely appears to be a solid study aid, so I would say it’s well worth keeping handy on your iPad while studying for your NCLEX review.


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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.