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Brainscape app review: learn in an engaging way 2021



Learning new concepts, topics, or languages is no easy feat and even as an instructor you are probably always in search of an engaging way to teach your students. The Brainscape app for iPhone can also be used on your iPod touch and iPad.

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This good learning app provides users with games and flashcards to help with learning. The app is designed to expand your brain in cool and entertaining ways as you will see in our Brainscape review.

This is a mobile and web platform for education. Depending who uses the app you'll be able to use it in different ways. Keep reading our Brainscape app review for more details.

Brainscape - Smart Flashcards


Teachers and Students Welcome

The Brainscape app is a multi-tasking app that can be used by teachers and students. As a student you will be using it to learn through repetition because this app uses a timing method to teach.

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As an instructor you'll be using this app to track students' performance and to help them better their student habits in general. As the student after you finish each concept you need to rate how well you have learned and are familiar with the content on a scale of one to five.

The app then uses this information to decide when to quiz you on the content next so you don't have to worry about going back to it on your own.

The app is free to use and from there you'll be able to make in-app purchases of different lessons. These lessons vary in prices from $4.99 to $19.99 and include such things as World Geography, SAT Vocabulary, Music Theory, French Vocabulary, and plenty more.

It seems that the approach is really resonating with users who have given it 4.5 out of five stars. In its latest update there were a number of enhancements and improvements made so that the user experience is more beneficial.

Teachers and Students Welcome image

The Learning Experience

Taking a closer look at this app, there are all kinds of cool features including the method it uses. As mentioned above it is all about the timing of your study patterns.

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It doesn't matter what the subject content is, because the method stays the same and uses interval repetition with bite-sized amounts of content.

There are two different ways to use the app. You can make the in-app purchases to use the expert content from Brainscape or you can make your own flashcards to quiz yourself with.

If you are making your own flashcards you can share them with other classmates and even collaborate on them.

The Learning Experience image

Brainscape - Smart Flashcards


Pros and Cons


  • Can help you study any type of subject/content
  • Uses a unique method of studying
  • The app is customizable and easy to use
  • Purchase study content through the app or make your own flashcards
  • Share your flashcards with classmates


  • The pre-made content can get pretty pricey
  • Making your own flashcards can be time consuming

Pros and Cons image

Final Thoughts

The Brainscape education app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone provides users with a fun way to study and for teachers to get inspired and find new ways to teach. 

Brainscape - Smart Flashcards

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