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Swipe Type app review: a unique app that will speed up text input



With plenty of text communication apps on the iPhone and iPad, it's imperative that we type fast in order to communicate quickly and efficiently. Swipe Type is an app that's designed to increase typing speed and efficiency.

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This app brings its users a unique on-screen keyboard that allows for typing quite literally without lifting a finger, and it packs plenty of features to make it a highly functional text input system.

You can find this app in the Lifestyle section of the App Store, where it can be purchased for the nominal price of 99 cents.

Let's take a look at how it works.

Swipe Type


Fine-Tune Your Typing Experience

Swipe Type is a very lightweight app, weighing in at just 8.3 MB, to ensure its smooth functioning. The input is customizable so I'd suggest playing around with it so you can find the sweet spot in typing speed and effect.

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A predictive dictionary in tandem with the auto-correct function will scoop up any errors you make while a Character Count shows you the number of words you've typed.

Transparent background
Transparent background

Walk & Talk

You'll find all the usual features in this app such as changing the font style, size, color, and text alignment. Clipboard capabilities are integrated so you can easily copy and paste text into other apps. To make life even easier, developers have thoughtfully picked out the most-used text-input apps so that users can quickly open up the typed text within messaging systems such as WhatsApp, iMessage, Facebook, Text Messages and Mail.

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One of the coolest features of this app is the ability to have a transparent background while you are typing. This makes it very easy for users to type while they are walking, so you can send off emails or quickly jot down ideas while on the go.

Witty slogan!
Witty slogan!

Swipe Type


Pros & Cons


  • Lets you input text by swiping rather than typing
  • Plenty of fine-tuning options for swiping
  • Transparent display to allow you to see what's in front of you while you type
  • Predictive text and auto-correct for higher precision
  • Clipboard capabilities
  • Integration with other apps


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Rich text editor
Rich text editor

Final Words

Whether you're a writer who needs a quick way to put your thoughts into words swiftly, or you simply cannot get the hang of the iOS on-screen keyboard, Swipe Type is an app that will change the way you input data into your iPhone or iPad. I'd highly recommend it to anybody looking to upgrade their typing experience. This is the next level in text input and will make you feel like you're part of a sci-fi movie set in the future!


Swipe Type

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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.