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Checkbook√ Free app review
Checkbook√ Free
Price: Free
Checkbook√ Free by Blue Tags helps you manage your finances no matter where you are.
If you're looking for a way to stay organized and on-top of all your financial happenings this app offers an easy and quick solution. Use it to keep track of your spending, credit card charges, and more. The idea is that it can essentially replace your traditional checkbook, offering you an interactive tool instead.
There are all kinds of features built into this app include being able to export your transactions by email so
you can use it in applications like Quicken and Excel. There is a calendar that shows your monthly transactions that can also be filtered by date if you like. Go ahead and create multiple accounts, transfer funds, save any recurring transactions, and view graphs and reports easily.
Use icons to create categories, perform transaction searches by name/date/payee/category, search and edit your transactions, and plenty more. Just like with a real checkbook you can reconcile transactions by editing un-cleared/cleared status. The graphs and reports offer pie and bar chart form so you can quickly see the information laid out visually. All of the information in the app is protected with a passcode.
Checkbook√ Free was updated on Nov. 13, 2012 and currently has 1,557 customer ratings with an average rating of four and a half out of five stars.
This is truly a full-featured app that makes sure keeping track and organizing your finances doesn't have to be time consuming or confusing.
For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later. Checkbook√ Free is optimized for iPhone 5.