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Matching Jobs app review: teaching kids about jobs



The concept of working and having a job is sometimes a hard one for young kids to grasp. One way that might help with the learning experience is to use the Matching Jobs app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone. This app is meant for kids ages three to six and teaches them not just about a variety of jobs but also about the tools and vehicles those jobs require. The app uses interactive flash cards among other entertaining means to give children a fun, engaging, and educational experience.

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Matching Jobs


Match Up the Jobs

Just as the name of the app suggests, kids will be matching up jobs with tools, vehicles, and the place of work. Of course it's fun for kids but at the same time they are thinking about each job and what it may entail. Because this is a free version of the app you don't get all the jobs; instead, you are given the three most popular ones. There are plenty more jobs available as in-app purchases, each pack costs $0.99 and there are three packs in total.

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The entire app is meant to be kid-friendly so all the features and functions can easily be accessed and used by them. Parents seem to be pretty enthused about this one giving it a high customer rating. Parents comment on the fabulous soundtrack the app offers, the fact that even the free version offers plenty to keep kids happy with, and that it's so simple for them to use.


Playing the Game

Kids are given different scenarios that they need to solve using drag and drop functionality. All the instructions are read to them by a narrator so it’s easy for them to follow. There is encouragement along the way, no time clock ticking, or any pressure whatsoever. Kids are free to just enjoy themselves and learn about the different jobs. I agree with the other parents that commented on the soundtrack, as it's very light and fun, exactly what the app needs.

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As mentioned, the instructions are spoken but there is also a text bubble that highlights the job in blue. Kids may yet be too young to start reading but this starts to help with word recognition. Some of the activities will require them to move a slider, which again uses simple touch functionality. It’s clear the developers have given a lot of thought when it comes to kid-friendly functionality and tools.


Matching Jobs


Pros and Cons


  • Child-friendly gameplay
  • Instructions are spoken and written
  • Uses drag and drop and slider functionality
  • Cute graphics
  • Great sound effects and soundtrack
  • Learn about a variety of jobs



  • Not all jobs are unlocked in the free version


Final Thoughts

The Matching Jobs app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone gives kids a fun way to learn about different professions and the vehicles they may drive along with the tools they need. The narration, graphics, and sound effects are all home runs in this offering.


Matching Jobs

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