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Because parents always seem to be on the go and needing to remember this and that we've got an app that is specifically designed for keeping parents organized. The KangaDo Parent Organizer can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and provides parents with all kinds of tools that make it possible to organize and even chat with family members, friends, and caregivers. The app offers private location sharing, instant messaging, and photo sharing with the people you choose to converse with. It’s like your own private community.
The best iPhone apps for keeping organized
This app really has so many uses, from helping you to organize a sleepover with your children's friends, keeping up to date with your child's sports team, a school group, a community group, playdates, carpool, snack schedules, and so much more. Really the possibilities are endless. As mentioned you are given a free and private way to instantly share photos, your location, and send messages to those in the "group." Instead of sending out multiple emails and making all kinds of phone calls you can access the information and the people you need quickly and easily.
The best iPad apps for creating listsKangaDo Parent Organizer has recently been updated with a number of bug fixes and the ability to invite a group by creating your own. The app currently has 4.5 out of five stars from customers who are learning first hand just how useful this app can be. It’s interesting when you read through the comments the different way in which parents are using the app, it actually gives you some great ideas on how you can incorporate it into your daily activities.
There are plenty of features here but the most important is the fact it is so user-friendly. You are being offered a fabulous tool here that is filled with features, however you won't ever feel overwhelmed with options. You can create, invite, or join a group. The app offers quick entry forms so you can set up your own groups and then post these requests. The requests are sent by email and not through the app. Once that person has accepted your invite you'll be notified.
Best iphone and ipad appsAdditional features include being able to sync this app with your Calendar, you'll get reminders of what you are doing and what your friends are doing, you can view the request feed, and you can create your own personalized profile with a picture. I can totally see how parents would love this app because it can really make your day run much more smoothly and what parent wouldn’t love that?
The KangaDo Parent Organize app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone to keep you organized and make your life much simpler.