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Pocket app review: save your favorite links, articles, and more for easy retrieval at your leisure



Whether you are scrolling through your Facebook news feed or browsing Reddit for your favorite topics, it is inevitable that you will end up with dozens of links either in the form of tabs in your web browser or emails with individual links in them. Pocket lets you organize these links by letting you save them on your iPhone or iPad so that you may pull them up when you have some free time.


This free app has been named one of the best apps by the App Store and has over 10 million users who use it everyday to save articles, videos, recipes, and much more.


Let's find out what the fuss is all about!

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Pocket: Save. Read. Grow.


Save And Retrieve From Anywhere

With Pocket: Save Articles and Videos to View Later, you will never use bookmarks again. This app lets you save all your content in one place, letting you retrieve it any time, from anywhere, whether you are commuting from work or curled up on the couch.


It doesn't matter if you've found something on your web browser or on another app, you can save your content no matter where you find it. Browser extensions for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, as well as the dreaded Internet Explorer are available for utmost synchronicity.


Once you download this app to your tablet, computer, and iOS device, you can get access to all the content across your devices as this app will sync your Pocket contents onto the server, ensuring that you have access no matter what.


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Pocket screenshot 1
Pocket screenshot 1

Upgrade Your User Experience

The layout of Pocket: Save Articles and Videos to View Later is sure to take your user experience up a notch. Each of your saved items are organized by this app into a visual treat, making web pages even better laid out than their original source.


Furthermore, this app saves the content of your links to the server as well, which means that once you have saved the link in online mode, you can retrieve it even without an Internet connection. In the settings menu, you can modify the app to ensure it only downloads content when you are connected to WiFi rather than 3G, ensuring that you save your precious and expensive data for things that really matter.


As you build on your link database within your Pocket, it will automatically start building on a highlight reel for you, bringing forth the best and most relevant content from your curated list into one place.


When you find something you want to share with your friends or family, you can send the link to their Pocket, or share via Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, or email.


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Pocket screenshot 2
Pocket screenshot 2

Pocket: Save. Read. Grow.


Pros & Cons


  • Save links to articles, videos, recipes, and more into your Pocket
  • Access saved links from any iOS device, tablet, or PC
  • View your saved content even when you are offline
  • Share with your friends and family through social media, email, or Pocket




  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Pocket screenshot 3
Pocket screenshot 3

Final Words

I found that using Pocket: Save Articles and Videos to View Later made me want to go back and read through all the links I'd saved up rather than get overwhelmed by dozens of bookmarks and tabs. Having it available on the iPhone or iPad makes it a very convenient tool to ensure you don't miss anything that initially caught your eye. Highly recommended!


Pocket: Save. Read. Grow.

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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.